Interest-free Banking
Wadiah Saving Account
It is a contract between the owner of the Money (depositor) and the custodian (the Bank), to keep the money safely and could be opened with/without passbook. The Bank guarantee return of the money upon request. The Customer during account opening allows the Bank to utilize its funds limited to halal venture and in compliance with Shariah.
- Any interested natural or legal person can use the account
- The minimum balance to open an account is birr 100
Bunna Muday Safe Box Wadiah Savings Account
- To enhance deposit mobilization by addressing low-income group section that does not have access to basic financial services
- The low-income group as a target
Youth (Shebab) Wadiah Savings Account
- To enhance deposit mobilization by creating a customer segment
- Target group between the age of 18 to 35
- The minimum balance to open an account is birr 100
Woman (Al-Nisa) Wadiah Savings Account
- To enhance deposit mobilization by creating a customer segment
- The target group is Women
- The minimum balance to open an account is birr 100
Teenager (Al Murahkien) Wadiah Savings Account
- To enhance deposit mobilization by encouraging teenagers to develop good saving habits as grown-ups
- The target group is teenagers between the age of 12 to 17
- The minimum balance to open an account is birr 100
Kids (Al-TIFL) Wadiah Savings Account
- This account shall be opened in the child’s name as the primary account holder and operated by the parent/guardian until the child attains adulthood
- Children below age 12 are the target customer
- The minimum balance to open an account is birr 100
Wadia’ah Al-Hajj Saving Account
- The account will be operated using the Wadiah Saving Account, and it is a good model for a savings plan for Hajj or Umrah;
- The Al-Hajj Saving Account is the ideal savings account for an individual saver who wishes to save for him or her and/or spouse, children, and parents to perform the Holy Pilgrimage.
Bunna Sport Club Saving Account
- To enhance deposit mobilization through addressing members of Bunna sport club members
- Bunna sports club member as a target customer
- The Minimum Amount to open the account is Birr 100